Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I love the word mayonnaise.  It sounds fun and I like the way your tongue hits the roof of your mouth just before you pronounce the last syllable.  I like the word because it reminds me of my friend Bob.  Bob once preached about a master chef who created mayonnaise by deliberately adding drops of oil to egg while gently whisking the two together.  Creating mayonnaise is tricky because there is a topping point when there is just enough oil and just enough egg.  If you go past the tipping point, the creation is ruined.  Well, it's ruined for anyone but a master chef.  A master chef knows how to reintroduce egg to the mixture and restore the balance.  God, of course, is the master chef of creation who creatively introduces balance back into the world.

One way that God restored balance into my world was through Bob.  He kept me from going past the tipping point when I was in seminary by deliberately adding a gourmet lunch to my life at least once a term.  He told me stories of his glory days in the church and encouraged me to stand my ground against 'idiotic academia'.  After all of the clergy had left me after my ordination to return to their seats, one hand remained on my shoulder.  It was Bob's.  He walked with me the whole way.

Bob died a few months ago.  I miss him.  I miss our lunches together. I have good memories though. To honor Bob's memory, I will try to follow his example by adding a little love (or lunch) to a friend's life to keep them from tipping.  When I do, I know Bob will have a hand on my shoulder.

1 comment:

  1. VicarVirtual -- I like it :-) God, indeed restores balance in the world. Ever creating; ever sustaining. Moving through us, in us and around us; before all time and through all time. :-)
