Monday, May 16, 2011

In my beginning is my end...

End.  Not THE end, not the finish.  End, the purpose.
My purpose in From the Hearth is to record my thoughts and feelings about those things I experience in my life and work. I hope we might have some conversations as well.

What I have to say has probably been said before.  That's okay.  I'm saying it my way.  That doesn't make the others 'less than'.  I found my voice and need to speak.  That's all.  I don't plan to reveal anything extraordinary.  On the contrary, I hope to find something amazing in the ordinary.


1 comment:

  1. Your first comment. There's lots of magic in ordinary things. Like I'm discovering there's magic in ordinary food done extraordinarily well. Come to think of it, there's the title for a book: The Magic of Ordinary Food.
