I listened today to a fine theologian who was channeling another fine theologian. I'll leave off the names for now. It's the message that is important: America is Babylon. America is empire. We have all been assimilated. In our assimilation we have been rendered silent. Exhaustion, despair, anger, disappointment, and fear have sapped us to the point that we can no longer be imaginative. The 'borg' know this. Imagination brings us freedom. Imagination rejuvenates the Self.
It's way too easy to be Type-A-always-busy-being-productive because the empire rewards this behavior. Wait - take that back. I allow the empire to reward this behavior. Then, when I'm burned out, it isn't my fault. I am seduced.
Rest. Rest gives back the Self, the Self that is lost in busyness. It's okay to just sit. It's okay to just be. I can't listen if I'm always talking, always praying for and not just being ready to receive. It's okay to quietly wait for God.